ACPW 06Inspiration Everywhere: Tatyana Alanis on Design and AnimationMonday, September 9th 2024IllustrationRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!
Norman McLaren, a pioneer in animationThursday, August 8th 2024AnimationRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!
The Evolving Landscape of Latinx Art:Five Artists Redefining BoundariesThursday, August 8th 2024ArtRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!
From Console to Screen: The Evolution of Video Game AdaptationsThursday, August 8th 2024AnimationDesignRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!
The Evocative Art of Tristan HollingsworthThursday, August 8th 2024PhotographyRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!
Idontgiveaseat and the Art of MoquetteThursday, August 8th 2024DesignRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!
ACPW 05The colorful canvas of Elena Boils Wednesday, July 24th 2024IllustrationRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!
Refik Anadol: Bridging Art, Technology, and the Natural WorldThursday, June 27th 2024IllustrationRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!
Iris Alba, the hidden gem of Latin American DesignThursday, June 27th 2024DesignRead ArticlePost url copied to clipboard!