Tuesday, October 29th 2024
What has become a Miami tradition by now, took place again this year with the celebration of the latest edition of Art Basel Miami Beach, with booths representing 277 international art galleries from North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The structure of the fair helps goers to distinguish between the contemporary artists and the more classic, 20th century art. There were five sections where the pieces were distributed: Galleries, Meridians (large-scale projects), Kabinett (booth-within-a-booth micro-curated section), Nova (artwork from the past three years), Positions (young galleries focused on rising artists) and Survey (established artists and their retrospectives).
"One of the highlights of this year's art base convention, as critics mentioned, was abstraction"
One of the highlights of this year’s Art Basel convention, as critics mentioned, was abstraction – which, in the year of A.I., V.R. and the metaverse, was a pleasant surprise, as the art world kept tradition at its core. Through this pictorial, we tried to capture the essence of the most important art conventions of the year through our lenses, featuring some of our favorite artists from this year’s selection, so join the ride and let’s take a look.
All images attached to this article are not property of Lorem Ipsum and were crafted by the artists mentioned above.