Thursday, December 19th 2024
After the success that was Disney Upfront 2022 for both Disney and Raxo (where Disney secured a historic US$9B in advertising commitments), we had the joy of collaborating again with the company for its Disney Upfront 2023 event, a gala that showcases and celebrates the many brands, shows, movies, characters and IPs that live under the vast, magical Disney umbrella. The purpose of the Upfront is to celebrate Disney’s distinctive, innovative approach to dynamic storytelling backed by technology.
"Storytelling is what distinguishes Disney, we've been cultivating it for a century"
Rita Ferro, President of Advertising, said it best on the stage of the Upfront 2023 event: “Storytelling is what distinguishes Disney. We’ve been cultivating it for a century. In this area of great change, creativity and innovation continue to be the cornerstone of all we do at Disney”. This message had to be conveyed throughout the two-hours-plus presentation, and with the help of our branding efforts and visual assets, we went to infinity and beyond once again.

In terms of what we had to do, the project basically consisted of a branding project for our studio, as we had to design the visual identity for the event as well as the brand guidelines to be used by the client to create even more stand-alone pieces, alongside several assets that would bring Disney Upfront 2023 to life. The main piece of the project was the main stage, we had to do a variety of static and animated pieces to be utilized to make the center stage and all of its screens shine and command attention. The task also included banners, posters, invitations, animations to fit various screens and presentations and 3D logo work for all the brands associated with Disney. Overall, our team worked on this for a three-month period and as this was our second round working on deliverables for an Upfront event, we were more than prepared and up for the challenge.

Creatively, we wanted the look & feel of all of the assets to be very premium, elegant and classy yet modern and interesting, using a color palette of predominantly gold tones, mixed with blues and earthy tones. We also wanted the pieces to be very cinematic, so we used interesting angles to keep them visually appealing. We made individual character posters for this project and alongside our digital pieces, and we also designed assets set to be giant prints of around 390 inches. This project took a lot of work but it also was a lot of fun, and we can’t wait for the next Disney Upfront event to come around.
All images attached to this article are not property of Lorem Ipsum and were crafted by the artists mentioned above.